Wednesday, February 13, 2008

may 07

-- due date is 23 june, and we'll see what comes of that! i'm hoping to go earlier than later, but i don't have much choice in the matter. however, the doctor wants to do another ultrasound next week (i'm going every week now) to see how big sierra is right now. aidan was nearly nine pounds two weeks early, and though i'm sure i could handle it being on the larger side myself, i don't know if they want to wait on an already big baby. i'll keep you posted on th at.
--aidan update: feats of the month include naming colors (red, blue, green, yellow, and brown) and climbing UP the slide. however, he couldn't make it with the collection of sticks he had in his hands the first time. (he's a collector like his dad was, i'm told) but once i convinced him he'd make it to the top if he put them down, he did it just fine. now he goes up the stairs only a few times, but climbs up and slides back down (sometimes backwards or upside-down) most of the time...all the while telling himself to "ho wand" ("hold on").
--we got together with his friend jarah a few times this month. jarah is the precious blonde younger 10 whole days, but you wouldn't know it to look at them together. aidan's almost a head taller and outweighs her by nearly 20pounds. i guess they're both at the extreme ends of the growth chart for their age. jarah jus t had a new baby brother in february (isaac), and aidan enjoyed holding a real baby for the first time. thought it'd be good practice for him...and he looked so proud. we also got him a little baby doll (much to the dismay of his father) that he can practice being gentle with. he cuddles her and feeds her and puts her to night-night. but then, he'll hold her upside down and say "fall down??" of course i tell him, no, that we must be gentle with babies...that we can't cover their faces with blankets, or make them fall off tables, or "take bath" in the potty.
--potty training is going well...but it is a process. he will sometimes tell me when he needs to go, but that's better than never. and when i take him cause it's been a while, he'll go if he has to or won't if he doesn't. he's also much better at staying dry for long periods of time. however, sometimes he'll pee t hree whole minutes after he just went to the potty in lowe's or somewhere, and i have to clean the store floor. so it's still a bit frustrating.
--vocab is coming along as well. he speaks in sentences, but you have to catch the few main words and deduce what he's saying. however he knows exactly what he's saying and will repeat it nonstop! prepositions are tough for him. he'll come to me with arms raised and tell me "down" to get him to pick him "up." he tells me he wants "out" of the potty, instead of "off." but that's a tough concept, so no worries. his new big words are: "dinosaur," "animals," and "downstairs/upstairs." dinosaurs comes from "the land before time" movie that is his current favorite...that and "toy story." buzz is his favorite character right now. his shoes are buzz, which he loves, and he has started this thing where he stands on something puts his fists in the air, says "fee and beyonnnn" ("to infinity and beyond"), and jumps! i think he'll have to be buzz for halloween or something. he also calls all leaves "tree stars" now. pretty cute. buzz and dinosaurs have beaten out nemo and madagascar right now, though we still watch them a lot.

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