Wednesday, February 13, 2008

march - april 07

--started potty training more officially. have made progress, but we're still working on it. he will go whenever i take him to the toilet, usually without much fuss, but still won't tell me when he needs to go, and/or sometimes even when he's already gone. our other potty training issue is aiming...gotta be ready for it! :)
--aidan and i went to blacksburg in march to visit my sister at va tech. my mom and grandparents drove up too. it was great to see them all and spend some time with them.
--easter was pretty fun. we had grammy (billy's mom) down for the week. i cut his hair before then, a change from the 80's bowl cut he was sporting. at first we went with the original bowl cut...but it looked a little too something, so a couple days later i ended up tapering the back a bit...looked much better. he totally looks like a little boy these days. he's so grown up, it's funny.
--he repeats everything he hears, whether he understands what's going on or not, so now's the time to really make sure what he hears is appropriate!! he has some new phrases of his own too. sayings he's picked up and even uses at the right times. things like, "come on," "oh no," "let's go," "fall down," "in the potty," "where'd it go," "one, two, three, five, four," it's pretty fun to watch him learn.
--we were in jersey the last part of april, first part of may. billy's mom threw us a baby shower. it was really great. we had a good time at a great restaurant, and got an absolute ton of gifts. i don't think i have to buy anything but diapers for a year!! good stuff! my sister drove up for the shower, which was nice. emily got to meet billy's side of the family and it was fun to have here there for the shower. my dad drove "over" (he tells me it's not down, but over, from his part of long island) the next day and we all went to lunch before emily had to drive back to school.
--things are great with sierra. still no issues, just getting bigger. we have (officially) six weeks left...but i'm thinking (hoping) that we go early again this time. but we'll see. seems i've been blessed with good pregnancies...nothing bad to report...however, i have gained more weight this time (after starting out heavier already...yuck)! oh well. soon enough, i'll be running again.

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