Thursday, March 12, 2009

February 2009

--in february, we actually had several days where it was warm enough to play outside…the kiddies loved their new outside toys we were able to pull out. we also had some friends visit and went visiting ourselves.
--great peoples shannon and jesse with kids jarah, isaac, and baby#3 were in town for a few days, stopping over for jesse’s schooling, on the way to moving to california. we had a few fun days with them, including playing at home, the mall, and at chuck-e-cheese for birthdays. (we met sandra with ella and gabriel at the mall for lunch, time in the playroom, and a ride on the carousel.) it was cute to see the kids together again…they were always such good friends. and really, if i believed in arranged marriages, we could be family one day! :)
--i took the kids with me to my sister’s house in blacksburg (va tech) for a weekend to visit emily, my mom, and my aunt joan. we had a good time catching up and playing and watching movies and eating yummy food.

--by the end of the month, i had sierra back in a crib…the toddler bed didn’t last long! every morning if i didn’t get into their room in time, or at naptime if she didn’t go to sleep right away, she’d destroy the room. she’d take every single baby wipe out of the package and “clean” the floor with it, after dumping all the diapers out. she’d unload all the books off of the bookshelves. she’d empty out every single piece of clothing from their chests. so, instead of dealing with that daily (or even twice daily), i put the rails back up on her bed. i guess she forgot she knew how to climb out, cause she hasn’t tried to get out again.
--sierra likes to keep aidan company during time-out. she runs over and sits by him while he’s in trouble. (she’s been spending some time of her own in time-out…she gets in trouble when she does something on purpose that she knows she’s not supposed to…usually right after being told to stop.) she also likes to “read” these days. she obviously loves to be read to, but she likes to read by herself too. she doesn’t just look at pictures, which she does do while she names what she sees, but she likes to sit and tell the story in sierra-language. it’s really cute.
--speaking of sierra-language:
* “i’m ow” = time out
* “bye-bye, dada” = bye-bye, dada
* “no day-doo, mommeee” = no thank you, mommy
* “wa-wa” = water
* “ett-toe” = echo
* “dough dabba!” = yo gabba gabba (the ONLY show she will sit through)
--aidan is a chatter-box and a half these days. he talks about anything and everything…and he sometimes gets so excited that he can’t get what’s going on in his head out of his mouth, that he usually has to start over a few times. his memory is impressive however (when he WANTS to remember, that is). he’s learned the real names of several dinosaurs…he’s progressed from land before time names like “long neck” to knowing the difference between a brachiosaurus and seismosaurus.
--and he talks about space daily…he’s going to be an astronaut when he grows up. he has stopped saying “when i grow up” and now says “when i’m an astronaut.” he asked me the other day, “are asteroids from the mysterious beyond in outer space? (i guess.) and will people run if they boom to earth? (i assume so.) i will not run fast enough, you will have to hold me, right?” how funny is that!
--he comes home from school with even more to say. several things, we’ve talked about before at home, but it seems he either remembers (or pays attention to) it more coming from a teacher, or he enjoys whatever situations he’s learning in that he really learns it. the hardest topics to answer questions about are the religious ones. for one thing, i’m not totally sure how it’s being explained to him, but i try to get the idea simplified down enough that i hope i’m helping and not confusing him. some things he’s said/asked are:
* “jesus died on the cross, and at easter he will be alive again.”
* “why did jesus die on a cross?”
* “sharing, is serving jesus.”
* “if god came to my house, i would give him a hug.”

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