Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sept 2008

--we had a few visitors in setpember. grammy and poppy came for several days. their visit overlapped with our friends mike and leslie, who came down for the winefest. we had a great (and hot) time at the winefest again this time. the kids came with us and played well. also, in september, i started my fall volleyball season. i play every monday night in a women’s league. we’re really good, and are in first place again this season.

--aidan is still my good boy, but has switched from my “do whatever mommy says” baby boy to a very argumentative little boy. he argues with me a lot, stops listening, acts like he’s deaf, and if he doesn’t get his way he becomes a rag doll…either that or he kicks and screams. he has also started fibbing a little, exaggerating a lot, and playing dumb when i ask him what happened or what he did. i suppose it’s what’s called “age appropriate,” and it's not all the time, however it’s horribly frustrating. i find myself trying to convince him to obey, and that doesn’t work, and that just makes me even more frustrated. vicious cycle, i suppose…and hopefully just a phase he’ll outgrow shortly. i mean, i can’t realistically believe he’ll never argue or lie or disobey me once he’s outgrown it, but at least maybe he’ll start listening to me a bit more.
--he’s also become a little tattle-tail. “sierra ripped it.” “sierra is going up the stairs.” “sierra is taking off her shirt.” “sierra's hands are in the potty.” “sierra is standing on the table.” granted, those are (mostly) things i need to be aware of. however he also tells me when she pulled his hair, or took his toy, or whatever. it’s kinda funny most of the time...though sometimes it sends me running!
--he’s now telling me these days that he wants a son named aidan. a son AND a brother named aidan. i told him if he has a brother one day, he won’t be named aidan, but one day when he’s grown up he can name his son that. “mommy, when i am a fro-nup, i can? i can’t wait.”
--he told me about one of his dreams. he said that god turned him into a butterfly. i said that sounded nice, but he said, “but i don’t want to be a butterfly. i just want to stay a boy.” how sweet.
--sierra had her 15month checkup. she got several shots, which she absolutely hated. she screamed bloody murder, and tried to get away. the nurse said she’s really strong…which i already knew. her height is 32” (85th percentile) and her weight is 21#15oz (back up to 40th percentile.)

--she helps me get her undressed, and sometimes does it herself. i’ll come in her room in the morning, and she has her shirt and/or pants halfway off, or all the way off. once she even got her diaper off! she has continued getting up on everything. she climbs on tables and she climbs up and slides down the slide. she’s started sniffing…flowers and feet (when prompted). she then says, “ahhh…see-eee!” which means, “aw, stinky!”
--she has her own language these days. a bunch of babbles, that must mean something to her. it’s really cute. i remember aidan going through that, though i think it happened later than 16months. some of her current sayings include:
* “day-do” = thank you
* “day-dee” or “a-dee” = aidan
* “ha-dough” = hello
* “pee-boo” = peek-a-boo
* “boo!” = boo!
* “ahh…see-ee!” = aw, stinky!
* “ya-you” = i love you
* “uh-hhh” = up (with arms held up)
* “eeez!” = cheese (with the squishy-face for the camera)
* “chew” = shoe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh Aidan's behavior sounds SO familiar! I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with the fibbing and lying! But it isn't fun. Love the pigtails on Sierra! :-)