Wednesday, February 13, 2008

september 07

--sierra has accomplished a lot this month it seems. first of all, she was baptized. that was a special weekend and we had lots of family and friends in town for it. we enjoyed the wine fest on the beach, a bbq at our house, and cake after the ceremony. she was adorable in her elegant dress and bonnet that her god mother devlin gave her. and she was wearing two crosses and a bracelet. the bracelet was from devlin, and grandma and grandpa hunt got her one necklace and her god father, mike, got her the other one. she was so good during the whole thing too. she didn’t cry at all, and just sat still and smiled. even when she had the water poured on her.
--other things that she does now include: laugh out loud, squeal with delight, chew her fingers, and roll from her tummy to her back. she’ll also pull her own hair, pull up her dress to suck on it, “sing,” and whine until somebody talks to her if she doesn’t want to be alone. she will also try to sit up when she’s propped up on a pillow or something. and she’s pretty strong, so she just might do it one day! she’s been “standing” almost since she was born, so that’s not new.
--she turned 3months old on the 22nd, and already she’s filling out some of her 3-6month clothes. she also went to the pool and the zoo for the first time. she didn’t much care about the zoo…she either slept and/or was in the stroller the whole time. the pool, though, she loved. she smiled and kicked like crazy!
--big-boy aidan is doing well too. he is almost potty trained now, and we’re hoping we’ll be done with that sometime soon! his vocabulary has improved a lot too. he speaks in sentences, and he has a lot of new words. sometimes it takes a couple tries or guessing on my part, but he gets his point across. he sometimes switches from“no thank you” to “no thanks,” and from “thank you” to “thanks”; so he’s definitely listening to things we say! he actually told me to “calm down” the other day…
--he’s a real book lover, and will sit for a long time in a pile of books reading quietly. however, if you’re reading to him and pause too long, he says “talking” or “reeeeeead” to make you start reading again. he has fixed his counting problem, at least when it comes to the number 2. he doesn’t skip over it anymore, but he’ll still skip 5 occasionally.
--as for the zoo, aidan loved it. he had a great time there looking at all the animals and walking with grammy and poppy. he also loves the pool, though he doesn’t want to let go if he’s in the big pool. we’re working on it, getting him warmed up to it, and we’re making progress…we just have to take it slow for the most part. he loves the baby pool, and walks around, even walks on his hands like he’s “swimming.” and sometimes he puts his face in the water…on purpose! J
--he’s started this thing where he likes to push out his belly and say “aidan’s bigger.” it’s funny. he knows about size differences. he calls any toy that’s smaller than another toy the “baby” and the bigger one the “mommy.” if there are two bigger ones, then it’s a “mommy and daddy” toy. it can be dinosaurs or even blocks…(big) mommy and daddy cardboard blocks and (small) baby wooden bocks. billy sometimes tries to make him say it’s a daddy toy when there’s only one big one. but aidan, says “noooooooo, it’s the mama.” he doesn’t get mad, he just refuses to be talked out of it. pretty funny.
--he’s started pretending a lot more too. he likes to be different animals. his favorites to imitate are lions and mammoths. then he tells me that the lion is playing the drums or the mammoth is marching in circles or something like that. it’s pretty random, but creative! J
--another thing he does now, is to name different animals, then imitate their sounds and movements, and will even tell you what color they are…totally unsolicited. he also says “excuse me,” “sorry,” “you’re welcome,” and “love you” without prompting. he’s turning into such a little man! except that he’s not little at all. he won’t be three until january, and he’s already wearing 4T clothes. the shirts and shorts fit him perfectly, but the pants still have length for him to grow a bit. in the past year, he’s gone from clothes size 18months/2T to 4T everything. and seems he needs new shoes all the time. we just bought him size 8’s in april. he’s now in a 9.5!!! crazy! i looked up growth charts online the other day. for a 33month old male, at 40pounds and 40inches, he’s in the 97th percentile in weight and 96th percentile in height. he’s huge!

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